
One on One College Coaching
Jumpstart provides scholars with an overview of all the tools necessary to get on the road to success, Destination SUCCESS! Call today to host these one day sessions for those you serve.

Career Exploration
Collegiate expectations overview
Dream U Series
Making networks WORK
Understanding the financial process
“I always loved art but my family said there is no money in that. I had no idea I could turn my love for drawing into a career until the Dream U seminar. Now I have a solid action plan and scholarships just for art students. I'm geeked!”
- Austin, 18 (Recent graduate)

Individualized College Plans For Students of All Ages
BCB Bootcamp
Map your future with skill based trainings to provide each scholar with tangibles on their road to becoming college bound. Student and parent seminars equip families to prepare early for the road ahead.

ACT and SAT preparation
Study Skills to help you succeed
College Application
Essay Writing Assistance
Making the most out of college tours
“I attended my first Black & College Bound seminar in 12th grade and would encourage all teens and parents to take the Jumpstart Course to get a move on their college planning and scholarship searches EARLY!!!!!!
-Devin, HS Class of 2013

Personal Development Internship
Leadership Training
B&CB works with youth serving organizations to customize leadership development trainings. These sessions end with Speed Networking, Service Projects, and Community Presentations with community leaders that are sure to engage other organizations to partner with your efforts.

Learn aspects of Campus life
Greek Fraternities/Sororities
Dormitory Living
Making it through the First Year
"My parents signed me up for the Maximizing Your Summer Career Explo seminar. I loved it because it helped me get focused on my top two career choices. My resume and business cards made such an impression at the career fair.
-Tori, Collegiate Summer Intern at APEX