Who We Are
Our team is dedicated to empowering tomorrow's leaders.

Dr. Deana Ervin
MBA, MPA, Interdisciplinary PhD
Urban Educational Leadership and Public Affairs & Administration
Founder & CEO
As a mother of young adults, I learned the hard way that you have to "own" your student's college admissions process. School staff do not always guide ALL students through effective college plans that meet their needs, interests, or abilities. Working with thousands of youth and college students revealed an urgent need for COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGE COACHING that educates and equips our youth for the overwhelming navigation required to GET INTO & GRADUATE FROM higher education institutions.
Dr. Ervin's Youth Leadership Development and College Access expertise comes from decades of experience through executive positions held in nationally acclaimed Educational Leadership & Community Development organizations:
CEO of Childrens Defense Fund KC Freedom Schools
(19 sites serving 2,000 youth and families and hiring 200+ Minority Collegiate Servant Leaders annually),
National Senior Director Program Effectiveness, CampFire USA National Headquarters
Missouri Coordinator, Kauffman Scholars College Prep Program (a $2B comprehensive multi-year program designed to help urban students prepare for and complete a college education),
Regional HUD Community Builder
Regional Director of Faith Based Initiatives (HUD)
Harvard University Executive Leadership Program,
Harvard University Community Builder Leadership Program
U.S. White House Interagency Council Regional Coordinator
Determined to make a difference in the achievement gaps and low college enrollment rates witnessed throughout many communities, Dr. Ervin launched Black & College Bound Scholars, a youth leadership development organization devoted to preparing youth and families in the areas of College & Career Readiness.
Her doctoral research thoroughly explores college access for urban students of color and best practices designed to eradicate achievement gaps, while increasing minority graduation rates and self-efficacy (the belief in one's own ability to achieve tasks and set goals, while managing their future and transitions successfully).
Dr. Ervin serves as an educational consultant for school districts, administrators, and youth serving organizations implementing research-based strategies to improve college and career readiness performance indicators in support of AYP, CCRPI, YPQA, Common Core standard and other national accreditation systems.

Angela N. Holcomb, LCSW
Chief Program Officer
Clark Atlanta University, '98 & '00
There is so much that goes into preparing today's youth to be successful in all areas of life. Angela's expertise in Social Emotional Learning and Prevention and Intervention strategies has been such an asset to B&CB. Students and parents alike enjoy her presentations and the interactive activities that teach participants to put their best foot forward.
Angela Holcomb is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with close to twenty years of experience within the field of social work, community engagement, program development and prevention education. Ms. Holcomb is passionate about children and families and dedicates her work to bridging the gap between families, schools and communities as she has collaborated to provide ongoing programs, services, seminars, curriculum development and grant writing and review for Departments of Family and Children Services, Department of Juvenile Justice, Family Preservation agencies and local school systems in the metropolitan Atlanta area.
Ms. Holcomb has professional expertise comes for years of previous employment with Dekalb County School District, Atlanta Public Schools, and Metro Atlanta Charter and Turn Around Schools. She has served as in positions of consultant and board member for several non-profit organizations, grassroots agencies, Employee Assistance Programs, Mental Health Insurance panels and federal entities such as the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration. Ms. Holcomb is a trained facilitator for several evidenced based programs inclusive of but not limited to the Nurturing Parenting Program, FAST (Families and School Together) Program , Second Step Violence Prevention Program, Children Cope with Divorce Program, Trans-parenting Program, Loving Couples/Loving Children, Providing Optimal Interventions Needed to Succeed Program, Second Steps Violence Prevention, A Classroom of Difference and Choosing the Best Way/Life Programs.

Dawn Johnson
Director of Parent Outreach
​​Fisk University, '96
A proud graduate of Fisk University where she and her husband participated in a rich campus culture that prepared us both for the world of work. B&CB works with B&CB parents to get a jumpstart by attending seminars that equip them for the road ahead.
Dawn shares that as a busy mother of two sons she used to worry all the time about her family's preparation for college. Keeping her sons in programs like this has exposed them to so much helpful information that all families should have access to in today's world.

Zach Hinton
Male Programming & Collegiate Cohort Coordinator

Jazmin M. Burrell
Marketing Specialist
University of Missouri-Columbia, '15
Zachariah Hinton is a first generation college student studying mass communication with an emphasis on film and media at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Zach takes pride in being a part of his illustrious organization, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. where working with like-minded brothers to “achievement in every field of human endeavors” is the motto.
On a collegiate level, Zach is involved in Renewed Spirits Ministries, Men of Color, and he even is a part of the UMKC internet radio show, his show entitled "THE ACE KLUB". Whether it’s hosting talent or fashion shows or night life events, he knows being involved in school and with his community will help his journey to becoming an entertainment host and actor. Zach directs Black & College Bound's male programming which has a primary goal of bringing back the chivalrous gentleman both through being a servant of the community as well as understanding the role of men of color in our society. Zach also serves as a mentor and special events coordinator, leading our initiative this Fall to assist hundreds of males of color with completing college applications.
If you work with males of color please contact us to partner in this monumental event to ensure that males of color in our network submit more than 3,500 college applications before the end of next year.
Jazmin Burrell is a first-generation college student studying strategic communication with an emphasis in account management at the University of Missouri-Columbia with a minor in Spanish. A Grandview, Missouri native, Jazmin hopes to one day have a positive effect on the way people of color are portrayed in the media.
Jazmin also serves as an active mentor for younger girls in both Columbia, Missouri and the Kansas City Metro area communiuties. She is a member of the American Advertising Federation-Kansas City and has worked with companies such as Bronze Magazine and Buzzfeed Community. Jazmin is extremely passionate about educational equality and social justice issues. After earning her Bachelors from Mizzou, she hopes to continue her education through the MBA program at Clark Atlanta University.

Corey Smith
Program Associate and
Youth Advisory Council Coordinator
Morehouse College, '18
Corey is a recent high school graduate who serves as our Program Assistant. His leadership skills are amazing and help B&CB reach teens through social media and engaging seminar design. Corey has been acknowledged by numerous community organizations and leaders. As a result he has earned thousands of dollars in scholarships, confirming the village's investment into the future endeavors of our superstar collegiate Program Assistant. He is truly the one to watch. Morehouse Class of 2018 is in the building!
To book a conference seminar, speaking engagement, or host an organizational seminar for targeted audiences,
use the requests link on our contact page.